Project Six


What is light?

You can read Lewis’s story titled ‘Light’ using the link below.

You can hear the story being read in the clip below.

The writer and theologian C.S.Lewis, famous for his magical stories set in the land of Narnia and other literary works, is less well known for a short story about light.

His first and final short story, simply titled ‘Light’ explores a question posed by the central character Robin, who has recently had an operation to cure his blindness.

Robin has, in his mind, a simple set of questions that to him everyone around him is evading. What is light and where is it?

It has been said, ‘we don’t see light, it is the light that enables us to see’. This idea gives light an interesting and unexpected quality. Light is all around but cannot truly be grasped or understood.

Is light an object? A thing that we can hold, feel, touch, investigate? Or is it something else?

To scientists exploring such ideas, is light a particle or a wave, or both at the same time? In the sub atomic realm for example, things seem to get weirder and weirder. They shift, and bend and warp and behave in unexpected ways.

This project will seek to explore light by observing its effects in different situations. I will explore different subject matter and may even delve into the conceptual art genre of the 1960s and 70s by reviewing a single pose placed in different light conditions.

Like Robin, bring your answers but be prepared to seek new questions.

Alternative light - Come and journey into the world of Alt/lumino, but don’t jump into the quarry!

To complete this project I will use the following alternative light sources.

  • Candle light

  • Torch light or lamp light

  • Reflected light such as a mirror or silver foil

  • Bounced light from other surfaces

  • Coloured light

  • Projector light


Neon light



woman gels arm
gels woman eyes
woman gels arms
woman gel motion
woman blur gel

Project Five - Un/fiction


Project Seven - Gravity and Grace