Project Ten


I’ve been thinking for a while about what it means to be here.

What it means to be present in the moment; to see, feel, touch and taste the essence of life as it passes by.

The author Rob Bell in his book ‘How to be here’ describes a variety of situations which draw out penetrating questions.

“What kind of world are we making?”

“What kind of life am I creating?”

In this project I want to explore some ideas from Rob’s book that act as touchstones for our life in the world.

Life is a gift

and you are breathing

So, be here…

It’s the only place to live.


Living in the past

Woman old photographs
Old photographs


Reframe your world

Woman picture frame
Woman picture frame

The joy of your craft

The tools of your craft


Start with 1

Life is Risk

Time flies by

Woman holding hourglass
woman with clock

Move slowly


Project Nine - Brave


Project Eleven - Collide